Matt Dylan Changing Careers

Matt Dylan
  Country music fans in the Triad will notice a name missing from a familiar name missing from gigs in the area in the future. Long time country singer Matt Dylan has decided to alter his music career path and has performed his last show as a "country" artist. In speaking with Matt on the phone Thursday evening the popular singer lamented that he "had gotten to a point where the (country) labels weren't willing to back someone my age." Matt also wants to spend more time at home with his young daughter. "I've been doing the music, playing on the road for years and I missed a lot of my (2) boys growing up," Matt relates, "I don't want to miss that with my daughter." age 41 Matt made the conscious decision to shift into a songwriting career. The man who has for years fronted Matt Dylan and the Most Wanted Band has been, along with his friend Ray Edwards, concentrating on writing songs to be sung by other artists, including bluegrass artists.
   Matt says that he might do an acoustic show on occasion but the constant touring is over. While we're sad to see Matt leave the performing to others we wish him well with the new direction he is taking.
You can check out Matt's popular "Carolina Moonshine" video below:

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